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Coaching can be a powerful tool that assists people to bring about positive and sustained change, in many aspects of their lives.

It can help you to capitalise on your unique skills, talents and abilities and achieve the objectives that you set yourself.

My style of coaching provides a collaborative, developmental and supportive focus on meeting the goals you've identified.

Our work together will provide you with an opportunity for reflection and growth by empowering you to discover, and make full use, of all the options and resources that are available to you.

Through use of my training and experience we will be able to draw on psychological theory and methodology to facilitate you in identifying your unique route to success.


The coaching services I offer include:

Personal & Life/Well-being Coaching

Supports an individual in making, meeting and surpassing goals in their personal or professional lives.

Individual Coaching

Supports an individual who is part of a group, team or organisation whilst accounting for the organisational requirements made of them.

Team & Organisational Coaching

Supports a group of people to meet team objectives through effective communication, relatedness and shared values.

Carer's Coaching

Support for those caring for others either individually, as a team or an organisation.

Pays particular attention to managing the risks of vicarious traumatisation and 'burnout'.

Process Coaching

Support for those where an increased awareness & understanding of theirs and other's feelings, values and ways of relating would enhance their role.

Example Coaching Packages

Introductory Session

1 hour session to try out my style of coaching and decide if you'd like to work with me.


Individual & Process Coaching

within an Organisation

6 ninety minute sessions over 6 months

plus online support between sessions

plus 2 meetings with coach, coachee

and supervisor, manager or mentor.


Personal / Life Coaching

6 ninety minute sessions over 6 months

plus online support between sessions.


Team & Organisational Coaching

per each three and half hours session

plus preparatory meetings

plus follow-up review

plus action planning


Exact pricing will depend on venue, objectives & frequency/duration of support sessions.

 Find out more about my Online Counselling, Therapy and Coaching Service by calling me on

07525 374 062

or email


Nigel Dawson Counselling - Psychotherapy - Coaching - Supervision


07525 374 062

© Nigel Dawson 2015-2024

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